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About Therapy

Herbal Oil Therapy for rejuvenating energy flow

Abhyangam therapy is founded on the belief that the body has channels of energy called ‘nadis’ along with some vital spots called ‘marma points’. It is believed that in therapy when you stimulate these nadis and marma points with massage it helps in the synchronization of energy flow in our body. This blood flow helps to restore equilibrium and heal the body.


Abhyangam therapy is a holistic and rejuvenating approach to the overall health of the body of the individual. By combining the power of touch, therapeutic oils, and ancient Ayurvedic practices, Abhyangam treatment can help individuals bring balance back, reduce stress, and increase energy. You should receive the Abhyangam from a qualified and experienced practitioner only. This will help you in improving your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health, and in your pursuit of the highest level of health.

Benefits of this Therapy

Learn More about How we work and How our Ayurveda works

Physical Benefits

Abhyangam therapy includes various massage techniques that provide many physical advantages to the body. It helps in the elimination of toxins from your body, boosts the circulation of lymphatics and blood, and boosts the performance of the internal organs. If you take regular Abhyangam therapy sessions can ease stiffness in muscles, relieve joint pain, enhance flexibility, and energize the entire body.

Emotional and mental benefits

There are many benefits of Abyangam therapy directly related to mental and emotional well-being. The techniques used in this therapy include soft strokes and pressure points that give a deep deep relaxation and soothe the mind and relieve anxiety and stress. Abhyangam can also help you sleep better, improve mental clarity, and helps improve mood and emotional stability.

Spritiual Benefits

Abhyangam therapy is more than a physical and mental experience as it provides a lot of significant spiritual benefits also. These therapy sessions help people develop mindfulness and connect with their true selves. It helps the cultivation of peace between mind, body, and spirit that can support individuals on their spiritual journey which directly helps them to gain a more excellent knowledge of the self.

Why choose us?

At Sanjeevaniayurveda, we prioritize the authentic delivery of Ayurveda by providing personalized treatments for every individual throughout their entire journey with us. As the first and largest Ayurveda organization, we have spearheaded a revolutionary approach that combines protocol and data-driven diagnosis and treatment. Our scientific mindset is firmly rooted in rational principles, guaranteeing customized care for each patient, ultimately helping them restore their "Swasthya" (well-being) through the use of "Chikitsa" (therapies) and lifestyle modifications.


Ayurvedic therapies are for everyone and there are no important eligibility criteria. Abhyangam therapy or treatments is good for the person who have signs of arthritis or circulatory disorders, injuries, backaches or fatigue, anxiety, or skin issues.

Before having an Abhyangam session, it’s essential to prepare the body and mind which means setting a tranquil space and creating a peaceful environment, and heating the vital oils for the massage at the right temperature. This environment helps people to attain a state of complete relaxation and openness that is important to relieve pain, stiffness, and exhaustion.

Ayurveda is the oldest Indian Medical system which means the ‘science of the living’. We seek Ayurveda to achieve harmony and balance of mind, body, and spirit. Abhyangam therapy has its roots in Ayurveda and the meaning of Abyangam is ‘oil massage’ in Sanskrit was practiced for many thousands of years to improve the health of people and prolong their lives.

In our fast society, we constantly seek efficient ways to ease stress and how to calm our bodies for overall health. It is very important for us to take care of ourselves to ensure positive energy. Abhyangam therapy, a well-known Ayurvedic practice, provides an integrated healing method and encourages a healthy lifestyle. There are a lot of benefits associated with Abhyangam therapy that can help improve physical, mental, and spiritual health.

Sanjeevani Ayurveda is one of the NABH-recognized leading practitioners in the traditional Kerala Ayurveda & Panchakarma treatments in Delhi-NCR, which is accredited with CGHS as well as CWC. Sanjeevani Ayurveda is a fully-fledged therapy center that offers the services of professional Ayurveda doctors, skilled and committed Panchakarma Therapists & Ayurveda Pharmacy.

Kerala is a place where the old-fashioned Ayurvedic “Panchakarma” treatment is widely practiced and followed. And they have added some distinct specific treatment methods such as Shirodhara, Pizhichil, Navarakizhi, Thalapothichil, Pachakizhi, Podikizhi, Dhara, Mukkippizhichil, Navarakkizhi that originated in Kerala only.

The beautiful environment of Kerala like the perfect climate with mountains and forests makes it ideal for the cultivation of medicinal plants and herbs by themselves. Kerala has the best affordable infrastructure and facilities with highly skilled and knowledgeable Ayurveda Doctors which makes the world’s best place for Ayurveda Treatments and it is the primary reason for the growth of Ayurveda therapies in Kerala.