Weight Loss

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Herbal Powder Massage

Udwarthanam is a special therapeutic deep tissue massage using a combination of herbal powders or paste. This massage involves upward stroking, where the powder is rubbed forcibly on the body.


  • Reduces the excess fat accumulated in the subcutaneous tissues
  • Softens and exfoliates dead skin cells, thereby giving a lustrous glow to the skin
  • Detoxification, purification, toning the skin
  • Eliminates bad body odour
  • Improves mobility of joints
  • Strengthens  and tones up the muscles
  • Refreshes and rejuvenates the body

Podi Kizhi (Choorna Pinda Sweda)

Choorna Pinda Sweda

This is a type of Swedana Chikitsa (fomentation) wherein medicated powders are made into poultice and used for giving fomentation. The procedure is same as Patra Pinda Sweda.

Very effective for:

  • Certain types of neurological conditions,
  • Certain conditions in Arthritis caused due to block of Vata by Kapha.
  • Overweight, obesity & some types of acute pains like sciatica, lumbago etc.


Medicated steam bath

Swedanam is a traditional steam therapy designed to open tissues with the saturation of heat and moisture. Deep-seated toxins are released through the pores of the skin, thereby reducing inflammation, improving circulation. It promotes healing & restoration.



  • Detaches toxins; expels them through the tiny pores of the skin along with sweat
  • Increases circulation; reduces inflammation
  • Revitalizes and rejuvenates the skin
  • Improves digestion
  • Acts on fat tissues
  • Relieves stress
  • Eases sore muscles
  • Reduces numbness, stiffness, rigidity, heaviness; improves mobility